I like to say I broadened my shoulders in Chicago to better understand myself as a creative. I loved finding how I thought and worked with people in the ad industry. I found I welcomed any communication challenge and enthusiastically tackled design projects with a fresh perspective.
Now in my new home of Portland, I'm a multi-media art director who uses more than traditional designers' tools to create. Some have called me a "versalist" as my design reach is wide encompassing fabrication, printing and production. I've also been called a "figure-it-out" designer who always finds a way, not an excuse.
Now in my new home of Portland, I'm a multi-media art director who uses more than traditional designers' tools to create. Some have called me a "versalist" as my design reach is wide encompassing fabrication, printing and production. I've also been called a "figure-it-out" designer who always finds a way, not an excuse.

Early Years

Robotics obsession started early for me. Along with conservative fashion.

Ahead of the curve: me exploring alternative energy sources for doorbells as my fashion quieted down.

Try harder: me as the 'Avis' of Tae Kwon Do. No rest since.
Hair gel, too many rolled-up cuffs, trendy electronics. If it was "in" I was into it. It's pretty easy to spot the latch-key kid in these photos, and I was a total "squirt". This was me then and I'm still a squirt, but I know how to use that to be unique and create unique things (all without tattoos). I realized there is too much pop culture in these photos to capture in one web page, so please ask me about any of this and I'd be happy to reminisce.